Inclusive development team


In 2018, LF has started with a new ‘Inclusive Development Team’ in the International Partnerships and Programmes department. We would like to briefly introduce the team.


Why an Inclusive Development Team?

The quality of services delivered to children with disabilities, their families and communities is of great importance to the Liliane Foundation and their partners. Due to the work of SPOs and POs much has been achieved already. The Liliane Foundation, however, aims to further improve the quality of interventions given to children with disabilities and their families. Therefore, LF has decided to invest more in thematic expertise. The Inclusive Development Team started, with staff specifically assigned to the thematic areas.


Who are the team members?

Names ....

The team consists of 5 advisors (see photo above). Together they are responsible for 6 thematic areas. The thematic areas are chosen based on the pillars of the CBID/CBR model, the interest of SPOs and the relevance of each theme in the lives of children with disabilities. The themes are:

  • Disaster Risk Management

  • Inclusive Education

  • Inclusive Labour

  • Rehabilitation and Community Based Inclusive Development

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

  • Transport and Communication


What do we aim to achieve?

The objective of the ID Team is ‘To contribute to the development of good quality programmes of partners that promote the inclusion of children with disabilities’. Team activities:

  • Development and advise on project proposals and programme development

  • Facilitate and /or give training

  • Documentation of good practices

  • Networking with knowledge institutes and relevant organisations

  • Develop and write proposals to (institutional) donors

  • Represent LF in (inter)national conferences and coalitions and produce publications


What can I expect from the ID Team?

The main contact person for each SPO is the OD advisor. The OD advisors work in close collaboration with the thematic advisors. They request the thematic advisers’ advice if needed. If you wish to invest in one or more thematic areas, inform your OD advisor and they will link you to the ID Team. If you decide to work on one or more areas, please include your ideas in your next Annual Plan. The ID advisors will be aware and see how they can support your initiative. Lastly, all SPOs are invited to share their best practices and projects on any of the themes with their OD advisor. LF can learn from your experiences and share ideas with other SPOs and colleague organisations.
