Traveller safety Liliane Foundation and MIVA

Liliane Fonds-MIVA is aware that its travellers and organisation may face safety and security-related incidents. Although every effort is made to reduce the risk of these incidents, the organisation has to be prepared and properly equipped to handle minor, serious and extreme safety and security incidents.

In this context, a project working group has been set up that is working on the traveller safety policy and its implementation within Liliane Fonds-MIVA. As part of this, the working group is currently preparing a safety plan for each country. The SPOs will play an important role in this and Liliane Fonds-MIVA would like to ask the SPOs to cooperate in the implementation of this policy.

The first request in this regard is that we would like to have a designated contact person for each SPO who can be contacted in case of an emergency. In the coming months we will inform you in more detail about the implementation of the traveller safety policy.
