Costs CBR Facilitation


Since the LF has explicitly incorporated CBR in its main strategy the costs for CBR work(ers) have been included in the intervention matrix, as ‘activity’, since 2016. The main reason for this is that CBR workers contribute to all domains of the CBR matrix as supposed to, for example, physiotherapy, which continues to fall under the health domain. This means that costs of CBR work are fundable since 2016. 

Here, the costs for CBR workers (only in case of non-government workers) can be included, and before that the total number of beneficiaries he or she is targeting under ‘value’

As LF we noticed questions have been arising from many SPOs regarding the maximum percentage of PO programme costs for CBR facilitation. We therefore want to re-affirm that LF has not set a maximum percentage for CBR facilitation as this will depend on the activities of the PO. For example, if a PO does not deliver any services themselves but are ensuring children get access to services, the percentage can be higher as CBR facilitation is the core business. If they offer services themselves the percentage should be lower. It is up to the SPO to decide on what is a reasonable percentage based on the (multi)annual plan of the PO. If you have doubt about what is reasonable, contact your OD adviser who is always willing to think along. 
