Safety & Security Framework

Recently LF-MIVA has completed a review of its Safety & Security (S&S) Framework about which we have informed you in previous newsletters. This Safety & Security Framework includes a Policy document, a set of Procedures, and a Crisis Management Protocol. The aim is to assist travellers in their preparation for travel, and to have a set of clear guidelines and tips how to handle risks and incidents related to safety and security. 

Although primarily intended for internal use within LF and MIVA, it is clear that the SPOs have to be involved in elements of the policy and procedures, and that they have an important role to play to facilitate the process around the travel and visits, as their knowledge of the local situation and risks is of the utmost importance for LF and MIVA. 

Although we count on your kind cooperation in this, we are obliged to formally regulate the Safety & Security Framework due to the duty of care perspective of the travel insurance. For this reason, LF and MIVA have written down in an annex of the SPO Agreement the responsibilities and actions for SPOs around safety & security for travelers, and on what is expected on inputs and assistance from the SPOs. SPOs will be asked to adhere to the articles in this document and thereby confirm their acceptance for the identified roles and actions, by sending back a signed version, which will be recorded as an annex to the existing strategic partnership agreement and included in the model agreement for future strategic partnership agreements.

Subjects covered are for example the inputs in the Country Safety Plans, involvement in the decision whether to travel to unsafe countries and/or areas, briefing upon arrival of the visitors, and involvement in case of incidents. We expect to send the new annex early June. 
