United for Disability Rights: brochure and poster

As most of you have already seen in the past weeks and months and in close corporation with all SPOs, the Liliane Foundation (LF) is working hard on the production of a brand new communication tool for every SPO: United for Disability Rights (brochure and poster).

What is the brochure and poster about?

With the newly developed partnership model between LF and the SPOs in recent years, a modernized relationship was established where responsibilities and accountabilities are much more equally divided. And with therefined and current vision and mission, the core strategy of LF focuses much more explicitly than before on the removal of material and immaterial barriers in the environment of children with disabilities; on lobby & advocacy at different levels; on claiming the rights of children and (young) adults with disabilities and ultimately on the creation of inclusive societies (Child Empowerment consisting of two elements: Child Development and Enabling Environment).

This elaboration of the existing partnerships between LF and the SPOs calls for a fresh communication tool that reflects the maturation of the established partnerships. Therefore, for every SPO, LF has designed a completely new brochure. Every brochure is a tailor made design, embodying both the newly established partnership and the regional and continental network of the SPO. We chose the title: United for Disability Rights, because it reflects the strong partnership sentiments between LF and the SPOs, striving for one main and common goal.

Click here for the brochure

During the production process LF has decided to produce 28 brochures and posters(which are made available to the SPO’s both hard copy (printed) and digital (PDF for online use and reprint), which are spread over 6 clusters: 

  • 2 for English-speaking Africa, 
  • 2 for French-speaking Africa, 
  • 1 for Asia and 
  • 1 for Latin America; 
  • and 28 posters.

For every SPO we have designed a unique high quality brochure (8 pages) containing:

  • SPO-/country-specific information (profile, logo and data SPO; "flag" country; photo on cover).
  • Uniform components (Liliane Fund profile; description of the partnership and joint approach);
  • cluster-specific components (photos from the countries in the cluster, with caption; and an Interview with a key person within one of the SPOs in the cluster, plus photo);
  • Region-specific components (Liliane Fonds and LINC logos in language region).

In addition, each SPO receives 1 high quality poster (portrait), with:

  • a photo with caption of a child with a disability (representing the country), within his / her / their social environment (home, school, with friends, at work);
  • the text: United for disability rights
  • the SPO logo;
  • the Liliane Foundation logo (in the language of the region);
  • the website address of the SPO.

What is the goal and use of the brochure and poster?

The goal of these tools for communication is to strengthen the SPOs in their representation of  their own organization, their PO network, the Liliane Foundation, the cooperation between SPOs and LF and the joint approach to the stakeholders in their country in a clear, correct and professional manner. The brochure and poster can be used in different ways, for different objectives:

  • They bring the partnership of the SPO and LF, the joint effort (with special characteristics), the specific expertise of LF and SPO and the cooperation in regional SPO networks (LINC) to the attention of decision makers, policy influencers and other relevant parties in the SPO country.
  • The SPOs and LF position their cooperation/partnership, their joint work and the results achieved in each country professionally towards stakeholders and other relevant parties.
  • By using these corporate communication tools developed in collaboration with LF, SPOs strengthen their professional image and their communication power towards stakeholders in their own country (national, regional and local governments; embassies; foundations; religious communities; expat community; business community; educational institutions; service clubs, etc.).
  • The brochure and the posters contribute to the increasing lobbying power of the SPO and to its chances of recruiting (additional) institutional and/or local funds.

The poster and brochure will be made available free of charge by the Liliane Foundation and will be printed and shipped to every SPO starting in the month of July 2019. We want to thank you for the effective corporation during the production phase of the brochure and poster and wish you well with an effective distribution and serving their numerous purposes.




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