Voicing marginalized groups





Sani Saley from ODI-Niger, who participated in the LF Resource Mobilization workshop in Burkina Faso in February 2018, proudly shows the T-shirts especially designed for the Festival: “Discrimination based on Disability; Never Again!” Curious to know why? ODI submitted a proposal in 2018 and was awarded with a VOICE Innovate and Learn Grant of 200,000 euro.

VOICE is an innovative grant facility of 35 million euro that supports the most marginalized and discriminated people in ten countries in Africa and Asia (Laos; Indonesia; Cambodia; Philippines; Tanzania; Uganda; Kenya; Mali; Niger; Nigeria). Voice is an initiative by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is executed by a consortium between Oxfam Novib and Hivos. VOICE started in 2016 and will end next year. So far, the Liliane Foundation (LF) and its (S)POs managed to retrieve around one million euros from this grant scheme.

This time we highlight the successes of one of our POs (Partner Organizations): ODI-Niger. The organization not only succeeded in getting a considerable fund from VOICE, but is also successful in diversifying their income sources, nationally and internationally, while minimizing the contribution of LF.

Curious to know how?

The NGO ODI Niger (Organisation pour le Développement Inclusif au Niger) focuses on community-based rehabilitation projects for the blind and other disabled people in Niger. Alongside the efforts of its Government, ODI promotes and protects the rights of vulnerable groups. ODI submitted a proposal in 2018 and was awarded with a VOICE Innovate and Learn Grant of 200,000 euro. The NGO proposed an Inclusive Festival with the Impact Theme: “Improved Access to Resources and Employment”. Festival  activities are organized until the end of next year and comprise of performances, theatre, awareness raising campaigns, and lobby & advocacy workshops.




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