Over the past three years there have been Resource Mobilization training sessions for 25 Asian and African SPOs and a couple of POs. A final Survey Monkey to measure results after these workshops was set out in January 2019. Please read more about these results.
Workshop in Ouagadougou
It must be stated that the figures presented in this preliminary analysis are based on the four training sessions in Asia and Africa, leaving out the Latin American SPOs. Moreover, the figures represent the minimum amounts we know of and the amounts that were stated in the survey. Also, not all questionnaires have been completed yet, but some general facts and trends can be shown.
The figures enable us to compare the years 2017 and 2018 with respect to the money raised through local fundraising and institutional fundraising (IF) for 25 (S)POs. The assessments show that a total of 2,921,652 euro was derived from institutional donors -other than the Liliane Foundation- in 2018. In 2017 this figure was 831,450 euro (!). Of course, the increase cannot be entirely attributed to the training, but it can be stated that since the baseline workshops SPOs have positive mindsets regarding institutional funds. The number of submitted proposals as well as the number of targeted donors also increased in the past three years.
On an average these SPOs gained 50,000 euros with IF in 2018. The top 3 annual revenues from IF in that year was as follows: 1. Cheshire Zimbabwe (1,100,000 euro); 2. Cheshire Homes Society of Zambia (508,000 euro); and 3. Katalemwa Cheshire Home (350,000 euro).
Worth mentioning are the IF revenues in 2018 for Cheshire Disability Services Kenya (200,000 euro) and Cheshire Services Ethiopia (50,000 euro) as both came from a zero revenue from IF in 2017.
Next to the SPOs, POs in Niger (250,000 euro); Nigeria (155,000 euro) and Mali (6,000 euro) were successful in writing winning proposals.
Revenues from local fundraising were a lot less and demanded a lot of input and investments, but still our partner organisations want to gain skills in profiling, communication, elevator pitches and promotion videos and brochures to be able to mobilize sources of unrestricted money.
The top 3 most popular donors -other than the Liliane Foundation- among SPOs (both in number targeted as well as in amounts of money) was in 2018:
- Foreign Affairs funds managed by their respective Embassies (incl. Dutch Foreign Affairs, DFID, USAid, AusAid, GIZ etc.)
- European Commission
The Art of Fundraising: All about the message.
Once all surveys are completed, we can make a proper analysis and needs assessment of the African and Asian (S)POs with respect to fundraising and we hope to make a baseline study for Latin-American SPOs as well.