General Setup

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Do you want to know more about the concept behind the project, as well as the basic structure? This is where you'll find all the information.

For the text version of the project plan, see the file attached at the bottom of this page.



STEP is a pilot project that aims to improve the quality of life and participation of children with neurological disorders such as CP. It is a one-year project, implemented in the Lake Victoria Region (Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya), as well as Cameroon. The pilot phase will be finalised by September 2019.

Training of trainers

For the STEP approach to be sustainable in practice, a pool of master trainers in each country of operation will need to be identified to ensure the implementation of a Training of Trainer (ToT) process. The goal of ToT is to give new trainers the background knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to provide relevant rehabilitation to children with CP and to optimally involve caregivers.

Ideally, training needs to take place, but mentoring is also necessary. After completing both, trainees should:

- be able to understand and explain the types, causes and degrees of central neurological disorders such as CP, as well as the consequences it may have for the child and his or her family in various areas of life;

- offer better quality rehabilitation and involve caregivers in the process;

- make use the tools developed for STEP (e.g. RehApp CP, flash cards) available on the platform when necessary;

- be able to deliver training and mentor new trainers.

Moreover, it is strongly encouraged that a certification system be put in place in order to motivate potential trainees to invest their time in this process.

The support you can expect from LF

STEP is to be understood not as a ‘new’ programme to be offered but rather as a different approach to use on the ground and to do things better with children already enrolled. As such, taking on this approach will not require additional costs. In addition, the Liliane Foundation will support SPOs in setting up the ToT process, and will provide training material as well as tools developed for STEP (some of which you can already find on the tools page!).

Where and how to start

During the next LINC Africa meeting this May, Kees van den Broek (project leader) and Kenneth Nangai (project coordinator) will hold a session to inform interested partners on STEP developments and discuss a potential up scaling strategy. This will be the perfect opportunity to express interest and discuss the next steps in taking on the approach! If you can't attend but would still like to give us your ideas on upscaling, feel free to send them to

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